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Ski School ⛷️ Snowboard School 🏂 Skis and Ski Gear Rental 🎿
in the High Tatras 🏔️

The Winter Season 2024/2025 in the High Tatras is coming soon!

For anyone just starting with skis ⛷️ and snowboards 🏂, a few good tips will certainly come in handy to master those first meters as best as possible. A beginner skier or snowboarder first and foremost needs the right ski gear 🎿, and we are happy to help you choose it. If you don't have ski gear yet, we will advise you on the best purchase, considering your height, weight, and experience. For those who don’t plan to buy their ski gear, we have a ski rental in the High Tatras 🏔️.

Beginnings are challenging at any age, but after a few hours, that can all change. Lessons with an instructor are the most effective way to learn how to ski. A specially trained professional will ensure that you progress from your first ski turns, learn the correct technique, and avoid unnecessary mistakes. The ski instructor will guide you through techniques, assess the terrain and surroundings. They will be your inspiration, help you overcome small setbacks, and be your safety pillar.


Our Snowboard School 🏂 in the High Tatras 🏔️ is here for everyone who wants to try it out or improve their snowboarding skills.

Similar to skiing, snowboarding is practiced in various styles, each utilizing different techniques and having its own rules. The most common disciplines are freestyle, freeride, and freecarve. The basic style involves riding down slopes on various terrains, using long or short turns in deep snow or on groomed pistes.
At the beginning, you need to decide which foot you will have in the binding at the front and which at the back; this determines your riding style. In the regular stance, you will have your left foot in front, while goofy means that your right foot will be in front.

You can first try a simple test at home by sliding in socks on the floor. As you slide, one foot moves forward while the other maintains your balance. This will help you determine which style suits you best.

Our specialized instructors with many years of experience and knowledge of the terrain in the High Tatras will help you in your beginnings with the basic stance, riding technique, how to fall safely and get back up, and how to ride the lift. With us, you will learn to ride without unnecessary mistakes.

        🎿SKI RENTAL
       Vysoké Tatry

Skis, Ski Gear, and Snowboard Rental in the High Tatras 🏔️

We have great news for you: you no longer need to bring skis and a snowboard to the High Tatras! Just pack your bags and get in the car. No more strapping skis to the roof, no more slow drives. Come straight to us. We have plenty available; just choose what you need. New or used, long or short, for adults and kids, all at the lowest prices. Each model has been carefully selected after thorough testing, with a focus on their features. We have options for beginners as well as experienced athletes. You'll find many new models from the year 2024/25, including Rossignol RACE skis, premium Apline Ski Trab 2024 and SALOMON snowboards!

Just come to the slope easily, and after skiing, we will store your skis or snowboard for free, dry your ski boots, and make your vacation more enjoyable.




Katarina Z
3 days ago

Ďakujem za výbornú a milú pomoc Dominikovi a Matúšovi pri vypožičaní výstroja na lyžovanie! Výstroj bol super a aj vďaka tomu sa lyžovačka dobre vydarila. Požičovňa sa nachádza hneď pri svahu a tak fakt výbornej polohy, veľmi milej obsluhy prispelo k tomu, že túto požičovňu odporúčam ďalej. :-)Prajem všetko dobré! Katarína

Vsetci su velmi prijemni, sympaticki, skvela komunikacia a ustretovost, vysoka odbornost. 8-rocnu dcerku naucili za par dni lyzovat tak, ze zisla uz aj cucoriedky a za 5 dni nalyzovala viac ako 60 km. Za to patri osobitne velka vdaka Norovi 🤗☺️ tesime sa uz na dalsiu lyzovacku s Vami 🙏🏻👌

Jana Zelenkova
a week ago

Prvykrat sme s dcerkou navstivili tuto lyziarsku skolu prave tento tyzden (18.-24.1.2025) a zamilovali sme si ju obe od prveho dna. Skola a pozicovna su tak uzasne zohrati tim... proste to tam ide ako hodinky. Ja som sa na lyze postavila prvykrat vo svojich 39 rokoch a mala som dvoch uzasnych, empatickych a neskutocne trpezlivych ucitelov - Jakuba M. a Petra. Chalani, obaja ste boli uzasni, od kazdeho som si zobrala nieco a aj napriek prvotnemu velkemu strachu ako ste mi obaja dodali odvahy a fakt trpezlivo so mnou boli kazdy jeden krok na lyziach - moc moc vam dakujem ❤️. Moja dcerka Lucka 5r. rovnako prvykrat stala na lyziach a kedze je iny typ ako ja, chytila sa hned a bez akehokolvek strachu. Za prve hodiny dakujeme Jakubovi H. a jeho Hermione a za tie dalsie vzdy veselemu Pištovi (Stevkovi). Lucka oboch rada spomina , vzdy sa na hodinu s vami velmi tesila a vdaka vam si na lyziach uzila vela zabavy a lyzovanie si zamilovala tak velmi, ze musime prist aj nabuduce. Dakujeme chlapci - Jakub H., Jakub M., Peťko a Števko ❤️ vidime sa na buduci rok v Tatranskej Lomnici ❤️ a Vam ostatnym tuto skolu a pozicovnu velmi a rada odporucam. ☺️❤️🍀

a week ago

Bardzo polecam, przemiła obsługa i super dobrane narty 😁

a week ago

Chcela by som vyjadriť veľkú spokojnosť so zapožičaním skialpového setu v škole Premiere. Už od prvého kontaktu som ocenila profesionálny prístup a ochotu personálu, ktorí mi pomohli vybrať vybavenie presne podľa mojich potrieb a skúseností. Set bol vo výbornom stave. Počas túry som si pochvaľovala kvalitu a funkčnosť vybavenia. Lyže boli stabilné a spoľahlivé, stúpacie pásy výborne držali aj na strmších úsekoch a topánky boli pohodlné aj po niekoľkých hodinách chôdze. Veľmi ma potešilo aj férové cenové nastavenie a flexibilita pri vrátení vybavenia. Škola Premiere sa ukázala nielen ako spoľahlivý poskytovateľ kvalitného skialpového vybavenia, ale aj ako miesto, kde sa cítite vítaní a podporovaní v každej fáze zážitku. Určite sa sem v budúcnosti rada vrátim a s radosťou odporúčam školu Premiere všetkým, ktorí si chcú vychutnať skialpové dobrodružstvo bez starosti. A.H. Kosice👌

Danica Douglas
a week ago

Best ski school in Slovakia!! I have now had multiple lessons with Premiere Ski and I am so happy! The staff here are always incredibly friendly and welcoming and organise ski hire and lessons quickly. All of the gear you can borrow here is great quality and always clean. - if you’re looking for quality, efficiency, and a friendly team - come to Premiere Ski! This review would not be complete without mentioning my excellent instructor Peter - no other instructor compares! He is incredibly friendly and kind and there is no doubt that he knows what he is doing, I never thought I could learn so much so quickly! Thank you Peter for being so kind, and encouraging 😄

a week ago

Kvalitná požičovňa lyží, skvelý prístup, obzvlášť od Marka a Dominika.

v p
a week ago

Lyžiarsku školu môžem len odporučiť. Milý personál ochotný so všetkým pomôcť a ak je to možné vyhovieť požiadavkám zákazníka. Bezproblémové dohadovanie časov lekcií ako aj požičanie lyžiarskej výstroje. Špeciálne by som chcel poďakovať inštruktorovi Arturovi, s ktorým mal náš syn hodiny lyžovania. Vďaka Arturovmu prístupu a spôsobu učenia sa syn rýchlo zlepšoval a vytvoril si pozitívny vzťah k lyžovaniu. Bola to pre neho zábava a vždy sa tešil na ďalší deň, keď si zase pôjde zalyžovať. Určite aj nabudúce využijeme služby tejto lyžiarskej školy.

Adelina Cadar
a year ago

If you are nervous or worried about learning to ski as an adult, this is the perfect place to take a lesson. After 3 days of lessons with Vladimir I can tell you that there is no better tutor for this than him, charismatic, very very patient and technical. He will do everything he can to make you enjoy every moment on the slopes. Thank you!

I had two lessons with Peter (I live in Malta and it was the first time that I tried skiing) and it was wonderful! He was patient, caring and fun, I had an amazing experience thanks to him. Strongly recommended :)

Jana K
a year ago

Our 7 year old son had individual ski lessons with Peter in January 2024. We found Peter the best ski instructor our son has ever had! The progress he has made was incredible and we will definitely come back to Peter. Thank you again! 😊👏👏👏

Jaya Semara
8 months ago

I’ve just completed a 2-day snowboard lesson. My instructor, Samuel, was really great at explaining the basic things , which made it easy for me to understand. Afterward, we took the lift up, and the view was amazing. I hope I can go back there one day.

a year ago

What an amazing experience with Premiere. I had two days of personal instruction, rented all the equipment, and had a lift ticket for a reasonable price. The instruction from Michaela was incredible and I learned so much. I highly recommend!

We have used Premier for both ski rentals and ski lessons several times and always had a great experience with the service and the quality of the skiing equipment. They are reasonably priced and offer to store your skis and boots while they dry them over night. We can't wait for the next skiing season and will use Premiere for rentals and lessons again!

Jagoda Piechocka
2 weeks ago

Best ski and snowboard rental! Professional service even medical :)

louise .hogan
3 years ago

Our two daughters (8,6) absolutely loved their lessons with Premiere. By the end of our stay they were cruising down the mountain confidently and were really sad to say goodbye. Great communication over booking and fair pricing. The level of English language instruction was very high. The teachers were endlessly kind and encouraging. An incredible introduction to skiing so thank you very much.

Ilze Zandere
a month ago

Best reviews, great people working! We had greatest experience!!!

Jana S.
a year ago

We rented skiing gear for 2 days from Premiere Ski and were incredibly impressed with the level of customer service. They really went above and beyond, for example waiting for us to drop off the gear at another location when the store was already closed. Thank you very much!

Lyžiarske stredisko
SKI resort Starý Smokovec
062 01 Vysoké Tatry
STARÝ SMOKOVEC 49.138408 N; 20.214297 E
Ing. Ľubomír Ilavský‍
Lyžiarske stredisko
SKI resort Tatranská Lomnica
059 60 Vysoké Tatry
TATRANSKÁ LOMNICA 49.166332 N, 20.269413 E


Lyžiarske stredisko
SKI resort Starý Smokovec
062 01 Vysoké Tatry

49.138408 N; 20.214297 E


Lyžiarske stredisko
SKI resort Tatranská Lomnica
059 60 Vysoké Tatry

49.166332 N, 20.269413 E

Ing. Ľubomír Ilavský
Solaris Travel s.r.o., Dolný Smokovec 55, 059 81 Vysoké Tatry
Solaris Travel s.r.o., Dolný Smokovec 55, 059 81 Vysoké Tatry
Zoznam inštruktorov